Travis Kelce Is Listed As OUT Tonight Against The Detroit Lions

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think the Lions have a real shot against the Chiefs tonight. This is huge news. I think most of America has watched a fair amount of Kansas City Chiefs football over the last several years. They’re in the AFC championship every single season. They’re kind of hard to ignore. Travis Kelce is open on every play. The guy is an absolute matchup nightmare. Coming into tonight‘s game, I figured he would go off for a big game before I found out that he was injured. I think the Lions defense is going to take a lot of steps forward in 2023, but it’s week one, and we’re talking about a guy who has given some of the best defenses in football fits over the last several years. Him being out changes the way I feel about this game.

You do feel bad for Kelce, who’s been one of the more fun players to watch in the NFL over the last decade. Watching him and Mahomes hook up every Sunday is electrifying. But coming at this from the standpoint of a Detroit Lions fan, your goal needs to be to win the game. I’m a bit done with moral victories. The Lions had several moral victories over the last several years. Last year‘s 9–8 campaign was viewed as a success, and rightfully so. It was one hell of a turnaround. The expectations are high for Detroit this year. If you want to sit at the big boy table, you have to eat big boy food sometimes. This is a huge chance for Detroit to feast. 

This is obviously a big break for the Detroit Lions. If they win tonight, there's no reason for them to apologize. Injuries happen in football all the time. If there's one fan base who's earned the right to not apologize for catching a fortunate break, it's definitely Detroit fans. I think we've earned ourselves about a solid decade of catching good breaks at this point. 

This has been a very fun offseason for the Lions. The vibes have been great. Expectations are high, but all that shit goes away when toe meets leather tonight at 8:20. We've spent an entire offseason talking about what the Detroit Lions can be, but tonight we're going to find out what they are. It is, at the end of the day, only one game. If the Lions cough this one up, I won't call for anyone to be fired. But not all games in the NFL are created equal. This is a huge opportunity. If they go on the road tonight and beat Kansas City, it changes how the entire world views the Detroit Lions. I don't want this to be the team that could. I want it to be the team that did. Win the game.

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